Friday, April 14, 2006

Three Days Draws Nigh

by Miles P

Blood was streaming down his face

It was his words that killed him

That brought him such disgrace

He said he was the Son of God

Such blasphemy

Claiming equality with God

His blasphemy is such a lie

And by our law

He must die

He will die for all

Not our nation

Our people will not fall

Here he is upon that cross

Dying in pain and agony

Is it really such a loss

The end has come to his time

Look at him suffer

Paying for his sinful crime

Approaching now is the hour of death

The sky is getting darker

Closer to his final breath

It is finished he screams aloud

He is dead at last

To the amazement of the crowd

There is still one more lie

The one we most fear

Three days draws nigh

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