I’d like to open with my poem: “What Stars Never Say” with this scripture from:
Isaiah 14: verses 12 and 13
How you have fallen from heaven,WHAT STARS NEVER SAY
O morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
You said in your heart,
"I will ascend to heaven;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
Can I hear it one more time?
The sound of silence
In stars, that I
may hold
the memory more
and Love you more today
And shine brighter for you than I did
What stars have you to say?
Oh what wonders you contain?
Or will ever fade away never more
Would I shine brighter
for You ever more?
All aglitter for You falling
Falling from heavens floor?
Falling freely falling
Stars breaking through
in song
Calling, sweetly calling
longing to be beside my side
Oh what glory be
oh what sight to see!
What love You shine on thee,
it is You and only You,
how I do adore
Always shining brightly for me
Ever more!
Oh heavens star,
Stay longer, please stay longer
in height of sky dwell with me
a little longer
just a little longer
And in the silence,
bring heavens peace
and guide me near and I will go
where streams of living water flow.
By majestic pulse and pull
I am listening, you are glistening
I am reaching higher, nearly
touching heaven
Waiting the trumpets call
To the sound of my Redeemer
Calling, sweetly calling
come to take me home
Oh so far away, so very far
Oh so near, so very near
Beloved star
I know who You are
my Morning Star,
Light my way
Begin to say
in Silence
what Stars
Trying to find our spiritual gifts and ways we can serve God is process in itself, something that requires a coming forward out of the background and our comfort levels with confidence, and boldness. Creativity is something we are born with, we were created in the image of God, look at children how natural they are in creating, but something happens to us along the way, I wonder why that is?
I know from a vision I received in a dream the Lord is preparing a table for us all and encouraging us to have faith and to trust in Him. I hope my words are of inspiration to you in finding something God has planned for you, a purpose and from that revelation some passion that may be unleashed for Him!
I’m trying to understand the whole creative process and how it works, but all I know is that it just happens and it has to happen or I’m like a branch that bears no fruit and withers away in the hot sun.
I’ve come to realize the poems and paintings are my fruit and it always begins by a seed, a word or an idea and grows from there inspired by what stirs the heart. As a Christian the Holy Spirit inspires a watering of the seed, the seed grows and blossoms and ripens into something sweet and juicy and tasty that satisfies and soothes the soul!
A good poem is like a song, it has music of its own, it sings, grows wings and takes flight!
While I’m engaged in the creative process. There’s something magical in these moments for me. The more I engage an idea, which is more often very poetic arrangements of words, the more ideas and word images start to flow and emerge.
The writing process starts by capturing thoughts, and branches – branch out as thoughts begin to expand in different directions, searching for Light, anticipating the fruit!
The fruit always comes from seed or in seed form. Never underestimate the power of the seed, it’s where everything begins, even life itself.
As John spoke of a while back in a sermon, a few seeds of wheat from Europe became a major food staple and food source that reached global proportions today in the world market place for Canada.
The creative process too starts from a seed or idea, often with no intent at all, it’s often a surprise for me while in the process to discover some sort of meaning which later shines through. For me it has to have this meaning or it’s simply an abstraction with no meaning at all.
Creativity gives voice to the heart and soul and spirit and offers a means of understanding the world around us and for the artist himself to be understood, it fulfills the need of significance.
Dutch Sheets the author of a book I’m reading called (Roll away Your Stone), writes what he terms, “THE SEED PRINCIPAL”, which states “all TRUTH comes to you in seed form, which indicates a process of growth until fruition. The vine (Jesus) gives life to the branches (us) and from that blossoms fruit. If I do not abide in the vine, I do not bear any fruit; the branch will certainly wither and die within me. I CAN DO NOTHING APART FROM THE VINE.
This is certainly true as a Christian poet and artist and makes sense to me now, when I abide in (The vine) and in God’s Word it is when I do write and create, those other times I do not, are often filled with a broken despair, perhaps while I struggle with a life issue, the pages stay blank and empty, there is no life there to create, consumed by strife, its complete and utter writers block!
And for such soul food we crave, TRUTH - It is from the word of God the nutrients come (therefore the content is everything), the content of our work, our music, our poems and paintings shout praises is everything reflecting that of God’s word that it contains and gives life to the truth we speak.
The preacher uses similar poetics in sermon and colorful language to teach, using metaphor and other illustrations make us relate, stimulate the mind and heart to a deeper understanding, rather than just speaking gray-tones and falling asleep.
The parable; a great teaching method from the Master teacher is effective. Jesus’ form of parable is highly sophisticated and powerfully illustrative, metaphoric, and poetic… literature at its best, the bible, the word in written form, the most widely book ever sold!
Was this what Jesus had in mind with the hope that a seed in some form may begin to grow in you and germinate inside of you, Cause a soul searching, an internal dialog to examine our own hearts and souls. There is warmth that comes from comfort food. It is God’s word that nourishes us after all.
The Holy Spirit is that profound mystery and by which God’s Word and God’s truth is revealed and it is the Holy Spirit who truly inspires and encourages us.
I am leaning on the notion the (Wonderful Councilor) the Holy Spirit, may just be the best editor I’ll ever have or ever need!
Perhaps I’m coming to a deeper understanding of the unfathomable mystery in how the Holy Spirit moves in all of this for me creatively by the words Jesus say’s to Nicademus in John 3 verse 8 of anyone born of the spirit, Jesus says:
“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
As I write and think sometimes I wonder where did those words come from? But I know now it comes by abiding in the vine and with Jesus and His Word this makes all the difference, from the motivation that adds fire and flame to putting everything into perspective; why I do it and for Who I do it for?
Living a life God intended me to live and being who He made me to be, therefore, it speaks of blessing and fulfillment, and joy as the seed grows to fruition. This is a process of growth too.
There is great Joy that comes from creating, inspired by the Holy Spirit, but the greatest joy comes from giving God the glory and honor and praise to His Mighty Name. Amen!
As Christian artists, musicians, writers, poets, anyone who serves, ministers and upholds the truth I believe we must take up a similar attitude as John the Baptist declared, in John 3 verse 30 and in that a dying of the seed happens, so that it may fall into a crack and die and the exalted soul that took place with Adam at the fall would be given up at the foot of the cross by claiming what John said:
“That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.”
Another good reminder in keeping focus comes from Revelations 19 verses 5-10 as John falls at the angels feet to worship him the angel says;
”Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!”
The point being, we are to worship God and nothing or no one else, we are not to worship art or any other idol or even idolize the artist, that’s when the puffing up occurs, instead we are creating, worshipping and praising God through the creative works of art or any form of ministry.
Finally follow the advice of Paul, in Colossians 3 verses 23-24 says it so well what kind of mindset we should have in serving God:
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
Part of my growing understanding about the creative process and entering into it for God’s purpose begins with meditating on God’s word and abiding in His word. “Be still and know that I am God”, brings us to that place of silence and meditation to receive God’s word. Creativity flourishes as a result when we let God’s word resound through us and through our work.
Often in the midst of the beauty of creation surrounding us we are often in awe and left breathless, this in some way requires an act of surrender, To acknowledge our Maker and give praise and thanks is an act of worship, from whose hands the heavens have been made and all the earth and everything in the earth were formed? It is just too awesome to comprehend; we must be in awe when we come to this place of worship!
God’s creation inspires greatly, we need to get out of our cities, out from behind our computers and TV’s and I Pods and examine the stars and still waters more often. In the infinite beauty of God’s creation He offers us restoration, by creation itself…
David echoes this truth when he wrote: Psalm 23, verses 1-3
“The Lord is my Shepard,
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.”
When you look at the stars some nights they speak to you, they leave the eye a twinkling! You know your part of something so vast and so huge and have a big part to play because God created you. What is even more astonishing to me is God is so awesome and omnipresent and omnipotent, all in control, but He knows us each so intimately like a Father knows and loves His own child, even before the words leave my mouth He knows them, He knows our needs, our hearts desires, He loves us and accepts us unconditionally despite our sinful nature and imperfections, he has plans and a future for each of us and offers life in abundance, forgiveness from sin, redemption from a fallen world through Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son who died on the cross – freedom indeed! For each and every one of us, so we could have life and have it to the full now and forever with Him in eternity.
As we take part in communion today think about just how much Jesus has done for you by the cross. Imagine what it would be like today for you if His life was not given up to the cross by His blood and brokenness submitting to the will of God; for His sacrifice we shall always remember just how much it means.
Thank you and God Bless you all.
Michael M